Vehicle Licence Plates
Veteran’s Licence Plates
To honor Veterans, the province of Alberta has introduced a veteran’s licence plate.
Veteran’s licence plates can be used on any vehicle with passenger class registration. This includes vehicles such as passenger cars, SUVs, station wagons, minivans, motor homes and light trucks.
Download the Veteran’s Licence Plate Application Form
Veteran’s licence plates cannot be used on the following:
- Vehicles with commercial class registration.
- Trailers.
- Motorcycles / Off-highway vehicles.
Who Is Eligible?
Eligibility shall be determined by the Royal Canadian Legion.
Veteran’s licence plates are available to an Alberta resident who has been Honourably Discharged after serving:
- In World War 1, World War 2, the Korean War, or the Gulf War as a member of:
- The Canadian Forces.
- An Allied Force.
- The Canadian or allied Merchant Navy.
- The Ferry Command.
- As a member of the Canadian Forced meeting the National Defense Professional Classification requirements (MOC qualified).
- In United Nations or NATO Operations as a member of:
- The Canadian Forces.
- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
- Other Canadian police forces.
- An Allied Force.
How To Apply?
Eligible Veterans must apply as follows:
- Obtain and complete an Application for a Veteran’s Licence Plate form.
- Attach a photocopy of the following documentation to the application form.
- Canadian Forces Discharge Certificate.
- Canadian Forces Certificate of Service (Both Sides).
- Allied Forces Discharge Certificate or Certificate of Service.
- Canadian or Allied Merchant Navy Service Record Book.
Normal registration fees will apply for first time vehicle registrations and renewals. Veterans’ licence plates can be personalized, however normal fees will apply. If a veterans’ licence plate is lost or stolen, the normal replacement fees will apply.
Other Considerations
- If a vehicle has more than one owner or lessee, at least one of the owners or lessees must be eligible for a veteran’s licence plate.
- Veterans are eligible to receive veteran’s licence plates for all passenger class vehicles registered in their name.
- Only individuals may apply for a veteran’s licence plate. Organizations are not eligible.
- If there is an existing personalized licence plate on the Alberta motor vehicle system, then that configuration cannot be reused. A personalized veteran’s licence plate shall have a maximum of five characters.
Antique Plates
Antique Plates are used for classic vehicles that can only be used for car shows and parades. If you wish to drive your vehicle on public roads, regular registration is required.
Some Requirements:
- The vehicle must be 25 years of age or older to be classified as an antique.
- Under the Antique registration, the vehicle can only be driven in shows and parades.
- If you have an existing plate from the year or close to the year your antique vehicle was made, it is possible to have it associated with the Antique plate.
Steps in obtaining an Antique Plate:
- Bring proof of ownership and insurance and personal identification to the Southland Registration office.
- Our friendly staff will provide you with an antique licence Plate.
Trailer Plates
If you have purchased a trailer and wish to get it registered you must provide the following
- Proof of Identity
- Bill of sale (Bill of sale must have serial number of trailers
- Insurance is not required to register a trailer.
- If you decide to sell your trailer you should retain the licence plate upon sale. Do not give it to the new owner or you may be responsible for any fines accumulated by the new owner.
Plate Transfers
If you have purchased a vehicle and wish to transfer an existing plate you can do so at the Southland Registration office. Our friendly staff can assist you. To help speed up the process please provide the following when you come visit.
Documents that you must submit:
- Bill of sale or lease agreement
- Proof of Identity
- Insurance
Your name must appear on all 3 of these documents. Due to government regulations we will be unable to complete your transfer without all 3 of these documents. If you have recently traded in a vehicle, and wish to transfer your registration from your traded vehicle to the new one, you may use the registration from the traded vehicle provided you have valid insurance on the new vehicle for up to 14 days. After this period you must change your registration.